Part 91: Thou hast my gratitude.

-Engaged People in Secret Maneuvers-


Three guesses.

-Great Awe-




I...don't think the camera was designed with such large characters in mind.


Ragnard has no weaknesses, uses no ailments, and seems to be immune to them all apart from stat drops, so there's not much strategy to this fight. Just take no prisoners and give him the business.


-Silver Will-



-Dancing With The Wind-


Impressive...children of Man. Your kind call me Ragnard. Scion of the great wyrms who long have dwelt in this land.

My words carry not through tongue or sound...but as an impulse through the void connecting my mind to thine. Though should it please thee, thou mayst utter aloud what flickers in the dawning of thy thoughts.

I do not. My wrath, which thou didst witness, was invoked by that infernal device. It is well that I am now free from its foul tether. Thou hast my gratitude.

Thy concern is full-warranted. Through me, a city and a village came to ruin. The will was not my own, but still, the burden of these actions is mine to bear. I cast myself upon thy mercies, as to make amends. Ask of me what boon thou willst.

Hmm. Sincerity...I am uncertain whether this shall make sufficient amends, given the sorrow I have wrought...Children of Man, wouldst thou approach me?

Hell yes. Now to find 50 rings and turn into Super Estelle.

Scars such as I have left in this land must be atoned for in kind. Wouldst thou convey my regrets and recompense to those whose lives I have cast into disarray?

Such chastisement is perhaps warranted. True absolution dwells not in the realm that coin, gem, or gift can secure.

Be it as thou wilt. I shall purchase of thee thy services.

The matter rests in thy hands, then...Haha...Truly, 'twas a fine attack. But a lack of focus afflicted thee in thy battle 'gainst the swordsman. Perhaps thou hast sloughed off aimless fury to gird thyself in stronger resolve.

Though this body acted of its own accord, still did my consciousness remain clear. Small daughter of Man, thy bravery and courage were worthy of the songs of minstrels and the praise of poets. In thou I see the strength and virtue of humanity held fast, despite the passing of the ages.

Hrrrm, and as for thee...Ah. Yes, it is well I know thy scent. Thou are the offspring of the Divine Blade?

Twenty years past, ere I took my slumber, a son of man stood before me. Challenge me he did, in his folly, claiming he strove to master the way of the blade. Doth he remain hale?

Speak, child.

Hrrmmm...First I must dispel the confusion that clouds thy understanding. 'Twas not the silver swordsman who placed the black device upon my brow. Rather, 'twas a man in white possessed of an unsettling power, 'The Professor' his appellation.

At the professor's side didst the swordsman arrive...And in the throes of my ire, the swordsman plied the extent of his art to limit the wrack and ruin I wrought. Had he not lifted his hand, surely both the city and village would have been seared to ash, not a stone left upon another.

He had but a single aim. To test his machine and see whether it could subvert a will such as mine, and in doing so, proclaim it a Gospel of the Aureole.

Mmm...Nowhere is it to be found, and yet it is everywhere. Possessed of infinite power and the sum of all wisdom, yet the harbinger of bottomless despair...And when thou standeth in its presence...Man must offer up an answer.

I regret that I may impart nothing further regarding the matter unto thee. The ancient oaths prevent me from interfering beyond this extent. No aid can I render unto thee...Nor can I guard thee from the fangs of this 'society.'


Farewell, children of Man. In time, you shall have an answer to offer up, and on that day, our paths again shall cross. I pray for the hastening of that day, that hour. chance of a lift back to town?

That was a long damn climb, you know.